This modern day dealership owned by Alexander had some humble beginnings. Back in the 60's his father Aldo had a small workshop where he offered buying assistance and sold a few cars. The company has gone through some cosmetic changes over the years but was hasn't changed are the business ethics Aldo started this company on; efficiency, professionalism, competence and thoroughness to provide customers with service and assistance safe, guaranteed and worthy of trust.
GarageDelParco.com is a premier buy and sell auto site. They have the car for you. From SMART cars to Porsche 911’s GarageDelParco.com has it all. Buying and selling cars is what GarageDelParco.com does best. With the experience and professionalism to get the job done and satisfy every customers needs one by one. Since beginning back in 1978, GarageDelParco.com has grown in to a strong dealership, providing service, assistance and guaranteed satisfaction to all the customers. The customers have nothing but great words to say about GarageDelParco.com. One of GarageDelParco’s customers Luke Selmin had this to say about the service; “ I needed cash and I had read that Garagedelparco you buy the car immediately and pay you the cash. So I called, frankly a bit 'skeptical. A nice lady on the phone told me the whole procedure and reassured. So I went to them to get my Audi, and there again I was reassured and less than 2 hours I went home with my own money and with the serenity that my problem was resolved so quickly.” Customers only have great things to say about the excellent service provided by GarageDelParco.com.
GarageDelParco.com is located in Italy, so the language of the website is in Italian. To get the translated version follow this link: http://translate.google.com/translate?js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=1&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.garagedelparco.com&sl=it&tl=en.
If you are trying to buy a car abroad, this is an excellent place to find the car that best suits you. You will be treated with the best service a dealership can offer. With affordable prices, you be able to buy a nice car and not have to worry about breaking the bank.
Follow these links to view the cars for sale:
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